I love this picture for three reasons. 1) I love this man, and I look like him. 2) I'm pretending I know what hand signals are cool, and I'm passing on my fake knowledge. 3) My daddy bought me a hat!

Meet Daniel. Every girl should have a friend like Daniel in their lives - someone who treats them like they have value, isn't concerned with making a move, and watches out for them when dads aren't around. In this photo, Daniel and I are playing air-instruments to Keane outside Giarodano's.

This pretty much sums up Kerri and I as kids. Kerri's obnoxiously concerned with being awesome, and I'm obnoxiously concerned for my safety.

What's not to love about this? Kerri being undeniably adorable.

That's Kelly on the left, Tamara on the right, and Melissa's taking the picture. We had just ushered for the Nutcracker and were caught in a snowstorm on our way back. I was annoyed that my friends absolutely had to have a photo of us in the snow (me without a scarf, hat, or proper shoes), but alas! It turned out to be one of my favorite photos from Moody.
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